A Love Letter to the Empaths

Look, I know this is excruciatingly challenging. I know that your empathy causes you to have moments of feeling like you've been punched in the gut. You're feeling the world's grief, and fear, and sadness, and it's so heavy. Sometimes it feels overwhelming and hopeless. And you don't even know what to say. There's so much criticism of optimistic words as being tone deaf and pessimistic warnings as fear-mongering. It's all so confusing.

Let me suggest this. Sit in your home, in your own space, in your own energy, in silence. Allow your emotions in. Allow your fear in. Allow your grief to flow. Punch a pillow if you're angry. Light a candle for all of those feelings. Bless them. They're not "negative," they're part of your empathetic, humane nature. Ask them what they're offering you. Ask how you can make peace with them and release them. Notice your intuitive voice. Write in your journal.

Now make some noise. Sing. Play music. Move your body to a drumbeat. Play some chimes or singing bowls. Clap your hands. Burn some sage or incense. Make some tea. Breathe.

And then remind yourself of the incredible light of your being. Feel the truth of that light in your heart, that the essence of your being is immortal, and powerful, and full of love. Put your hand over your heart and feel its rhythm, and know that you came here at this time to add your own unique light to the world, No one else can do what you do or be who you are. You are a vital part of this, in every part of who you are.

And this time is also offering you something back. It's offering you a deeper gaze into the mirror of your soul, so that you can love yourself more profoundly through the pain, through the fear, and through the confusion. It's offering you a more compassionate relationship with yourself, which extends into more compassion for others. It's offering you an appreciation for life that is usually reserved for the dying.

And then remember that deepening your experiences of joy, and love, and peace with yourself will deepen those experiences with others and with the world. What new expressions of your soul can you experiment with today? What small act of kindness, or wildly creative act, or spontaneous act of love can you grace the world with now? What's the best way to express your gratitude for life, for the blooming cherry blossoms and pale green leaves and fat bees in the dandelions? For the loved ones you share your home with and the ones you miss so much? How can you bundle all of those emotions into some passionate, creative expression?

And then imagine what would happen if everyone did that? What would that world look like? How do you WANT the world to look? And who do you want to be when you emerge from this?

Who do you want to be?


Some Thoughts About Thinking


Honoring the Self