Some Thoughts About Thinking

Consider, for a moment, that there are some things you believe about yourself that aren't necessarily true. This is the mark of an open mind, one that is willing to grow and learn.

Consider the brain. It is a miraculous organ, an incredible wonder of the physical world. Its processes determine the functionality of your body and your interpretation of reality. It is a true marvel of physical matter and energetic transference, and there are aspects of it that can't be explained by the brightest scientific minds.

And since the brain determines how we think, we think that the brain determines who we are. We think that the brain thinks independently of us, and that, in fact, it IS us, and as such, all of our cognitive abilities lie in its grey folds. We think that if we can't understand or figure something out, we are stuck. We think we are limited, because our brain is limited, simply by the mere fact that it is physical matter, which has edges and limited form. We think that our thinking makes us who we are.

But what if you were to consider the brain as a processor rather than a creator? What if you were to imagine that the miracle of this organ is not in its ability to create your reality, but to process it through a system of programs. Those programs exist largely as your belief systems, the things that you've learned as truth throughout your life. Much as a computer is limited by the way it is programmed, the brain is limited by the things you have decided are true.

And what if you realized that you could alter those programs? What if you decided that you wanted to expand your belief systems and open them to new possibilities? What if you wanted to perceive the world in a different way? How do you reprogram the brain? By thinking different thoughts. By creating a different focus. By considering that there are other methods of perceiving reality. By deciding that possibilities exist that you've never even dreamed of or allowed yourself to explore.

Consider that the feeling part of you is just as important as the thinking part of you, that you have a very powerful sense of reality which extends beyond logical thought, and that energetic awareness is the GPS system of your consciousness, nudging you ever forward toward a greater expression of yourself, if you would only pay attention to it.

I think, therefore I am? Nah. I FEEL, therefore I am. I SENSE, therefore I am. I LOVE, therefore I am. I THINK because I can.


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