Be Inspired by Nature

We can learn a lot from nature.

We can aspire to be like water, ever flowing with the current, finding a way to transcend any obstacles, letting go of anything that doesn't serve us and leaving it on the shoreline. The energy of water is allowing, fluid and never resistant to change.

We can aspire to be like a tree, confident in and never questioning its beauty and purpose, blooming new life when it's time and shedding the old as necessary with no resistance. The energy of trees begins with a tiny seed and expands ever outward into a majestic expression of itself through the nourishment it allows itself to receive and the many loving purposes of shelter, shade, beauty and nourishment that it allows itself to give.

We can aspire to be like the sky, ever changing with the energetic shifts around it, sometimes beautiful, clear and bright and sometimes dark and stormy. The energy of the sky allows all of the many expressions of itself and understands their necessity for contrast, balance and their participation in the natural cycles of life.

Take time to feel your connection to all of the many expressions of Source and how they reflect the many aspects of yourself. Get your feet on the earth, sit in the shade of a towering tree, watch the creatures work and play, and see yourself in all these things. Allow yourself to evolve with the grace and ease of the natural world and you will surely continue to bloom, blossom and flow into an even more magnificent expression of creation, one that is unique and yet connected, complex and yet consistent, and confident in the worthiness of your sacred place among vast richness of the Universe.


Faith is a Feeling


Some Thoughts About Thinking