Faith is a Feeling

Faith is a belief in something you can't prove. Sometimes it's based on facts, like experience, patterns and knowledge of natural laws. Sometimes it's based on a feeling, a resonance with truth, a passionate sense of its rightness. Sometimes it goes beyond logical thought and intellectual argument and passes into the realm of unseen forces and unpopular theory.

If we have no proof, are we foolish to have faith? Or is faith the supreme act of trust in the Universe, in ourselves, in a higher power? If that faith encourages and motivates us to do good works, be our best selves and take a risk, are we being naive, or wise?

The scientific method is carefully designed to rule out false premises and provide absolute proof. And yet there are many truths that fail that test. We have witnessed the evolution of truth throughout history with the advancement of scientific methods and technology which have served to enhance our vision of reality. But still, there remains much mystery in our Universe.

If we insist on proof for everything we are to believe, we are missing out on the wisdom and guidance that can come from the heart, from the inner knowing, from the intuitive senses, and we are denying the natural barometer that lies in our feelings and our energetic resonance with the frequency of truth.

Without faith in ourselves, we remain in fear. Without faith in others, we remain in a prison of isolation. Without faith in the unseen forces of the Universe, we lose our wonder in the magic and beauty of the unknown.

Your greatest test of the truth lies in your heart. Ask yourself, "How does this FEEL?" And wait for the energy of the answer to bubble up through the core of your being. Therein lies your truth.


Your Feelings Matter


Be Inspired by Nature